class PasswordInput

from django.forms import PasswordInput

Ancestors (MRO)

  1. PasswordInput
  2. TextInput
  3. Input
  4. Widget


  Defined in
input_type = 'password' PasswordInput
input_type = 'text' TextInput
input_type = None Input
is_localized = False Widget
is_required = False Widget
needs_multipart_form = False Widget
supports_microseconds = True Widget
Expand Collapse


def is_hidden(): Widget


    def is_hidden(self):
        return self.input_type == 'hidden' if hasattr(self, 'input_type') else False

def media(): PasswordInput


    def _media(self):
        # Get the media property of the superclass, if it exists
        sup_cls = super(cls, self)
            base =
        except AttributeError:
            base = Media()

        # Get the media definition for this class
        definition = getattr(cls, 'Media', None)
        if definition:
            extend = getattr(definition, 'extend', True)
            if extend:
                if extend is True:
                    m = base
                    m = Media()
                    for medium in extend:
                        m = m + base[medium]
                return m + Media(definition)
                return Media(definition)
            return base

def media(): TextInput


    def _media(self):
        # Get the media property of the superclass, if it exists
        sup_cls = super(cls, self)
            base =
        except AttributeError:
            base = Media()

        # Get the media definition for this class
        definition = getattr(cls, 'Media', None)
        if definition:
            extend = getattr(definition, 'extend', True)
            if extend:
                if extend is True:
                    m = base
                    m = Media()
                    for medium in extend:
                        m = m + base[medium]
                return m + Media(definition)
                return Media(definition)
            return base

def media(): Input


    def _media(self):
        # Get the media property of the superclass, if it exists
        sup_cls = super(cls, self)
            base =
        except AttributeError:
            base = Media()

        # Get the media definition for this class
        definition = getattr(cls, 'Media', None)
        if definition:
            extend = getattr(definition, 'extend', True)
            if extend:
                if extend is True:
                    m = base
                    m = Media()
                    for medium in extend:
                        m = m + base[medium]
                return m + Media(definition)
                return Media(definition)
            return base

def media(): Widget


    def _media(self):
        # Get the media property of the superclass, if it exists
        sup_cls = super(cls, self)
            base =
        except AttributeError:
            base = Media()

        # Get the media definition for this class
        definition = getattr(cls, 'Media', None)
        if definition:
            extend = getattr(definition, 'extend', True)
            if extend:
                if extend is True:
                    m = base
                    m = Media()
                    for medium in extend:
                        m = m + base[medium]
                return m + Media(definition)
                return Media(definition)
            return base
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def _format_value(*args, **kwargs): Input

        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                "`%s.%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead." %
                (self.class_name, self.old_method_name, self.new_method_name),
                self.deprecation_warning, 2)
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

def build_attrs(self, extra_attrs=None, **kwargs): Widget

Helper function for building an attribute dictionary.
    def build_attrs(self, extra_attrs=None, **kwargs):
        "Helper function for building an attribute dictionary."
        attrs = dict(self.attrs, **kwargs)
        if extra_attrs:
        return attrs

def format_value(self, value): Input

    def format_value(self, value):
        if self.is_localized:
            return formats.localize_input(value)
        return value

def id_for_label(self, id_): Widget

        Returns the HTML ID attribute of this Widget for use by a <label>,
        given the ID of the field. Returns None if no ID is available.

        This hook is necessary because some widgets have multiple HTML
        elements and, thus, multiple IDs. In that case, this method should
        return an ID value that corresponds to the first ID in the widget's
    def id_for_label(self, id_):
        Returns the HTML ID attribute of this Widget for use by a <label>,
        given the ID of the field. Returns None if no ID is available.

        This hook is necessary because some widgets have multiple HTML
        elements and, thus, multiple IDs. In that case, this method should
        return an ID value that corresponds to the first ID in the widget's
        return id_

def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):


    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        if not self.render_value:
            value = None
        return super(PasswordInput, self).render(name, value, attrs)


    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        if value is None:
            value = ''
        final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, type=self.input_type, name=name)
        if value != '':
            # Only add the 'value' attribute if a value is non-empty.
            final_attrs['value'] = force_text(self.format_value(value))
        return format_html('<input{} />', flatatt(final_attrs))


        Returns this Widget rendered as HTML, as a Unicode string.

        The 'value' given is not guaranteed to be valid input, so subclass
        implementations should program defensively.
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        Returns this Widget rendered as HTML, as a Unicode string.

        The 'value' given is not guaranteed to be valid input, so subclass
        implementations should program defensively.
        raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of Widget must provide a render() method')

def subwidgets(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()): Widget

        Yields all "subwidgets" of this widget. Used only by RadioSelect to
        allow template access to individual <input type="radio"> buttons.

        Arguments are the same as for render().
    def subwidgets(self, name, value, attrs=None, choices=()):
        Yields all "subwidgets" of this widget. Used only by RadioSelect to
        allow template access to individual <input type="radio"> buttons.

        Arguments are the same as for render().
        yield SubWidget(self, name, value, attrs, choices)

def use_required_attribute(self, initial): Widget

    def use_required_attribute(self, initial):
        return not self.is_hidden

def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): Widget

        Given a dictionary of data and this widget's name, returns the value
        of this widget. Returns None if it's not provided.
    def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
        Given a dictionary of data and this widget's name, returns the value
        of this widget. Returns None if it's not provided.
        return data.get(name)

def value_omitted_from_data(self, data, files, name): Widget

    def value_omitted_from_data(self, data, files, name):
        return name not in data